Final Animation
After including an illustrated watch in the company logo we decided to merge the images of the watch and a film projector in the animated intro tag, as if the mechanism of the watch, itself, contained or even generated and projected a film. We decided to accomplish this by showcasing a pocket watch with the back removed to expose the gears; some of these gears would imitate a film projector's shutter by passing their teeth over a bright light emanating from deep inside the watch mechanism.
This project was one of the most complicated 3D projects we have ever done, partly because it first required thinking in terms of mechanical design. How could the mechanism of a pocket watch be redesigned in such a way that it looked believable as the functional interior of watch, but also allowed for this flickering projector effect to be centered in the middle of the watch when seen from behind?
To answer these questions we began by researching the construction of watch mechanisms and pocket watch designs. We then developed our own mechanism design that placed the meshing point of two gears at the center of the watch back. The "projector light" would shine through this space as the teeth enmeshed, creating a flickering effect like to the projector shutter.
The watch was then modeled, textured, lit, and animated in Autodesk 3DS Max. Special effects along with sound and the 2D logo elements were added in post using Adobe After Effects.
Research Images

Design Sketches

3D Modeling